ご 予 約 Reservation

必要事項をご記入の上、「送 信」ボタンを押して下さい。

After filling in a necessary matter Please push "Send" button.
After confirming the content, I report from us.

館 主 Ryokan-Matsumae

門 限 午後10:00
チェックイン 午後3:00~
チェックアウト 午前10:00
Doors close at 10:00PM
Check in at 3:00PM
Check out at 10:00AM
You can deposit luggage at any time.

注意事項 Instructions

 ※こちらからの返信をもって予約確定となります。 返信させて頂くメールのコピーをお持ち下さい。

1.Please confirm within three days either by e-mail , telephone , or fax including your contact infomation.
2.in order to guarantee your reservation please include your credit card type , card number , and expiration date.
With the confirmation from Matsumae.
Please make a copy of this reply as your confirmation.
We look forward to welcoming you in Nara.
3.When you make reservations,please send into twice,or we take the telephone and fax.
Please settle the payment when you check out.
We accept payment in Japanese yen with forms given below.
Cash/Credit cards(Visa/Master Card/American Express)

ご宿泊代表者 Staying representative

お名前 Name
年齢 Age

〒 ZIP code
ご住所 Address
ご住所2 Address2
電話 TEL
ファックス FAX

宿泊予定 Staying schedule

予定日 Expected date
 From日 Day   月 month   年 Year
宿泊数 Number of staying   日間 Days
人数 Number of people  人 People
朝食 breakfast  朝食 breakfast
ご要望など Demands etc.

The handling of individual information on the customer who inquires in this input form and mail is strictly managed, and there is no what is indicated or offered to the third party as long as the regular demand based on the law etc. is not done.

御取り消し Cancellation Policy

The percentages signify the rate of cancellation of the basic accommodation charges.

不 泊 No Show100%
当 日 Accommodation day100%
前 日 1day prior to Accommodation day70%
2日前 2 days prior to Accommodation day50%